Monday, September 5, 2011

The Devil's Music HD stills 1

Here are some HD stills from the upcoming horror film, The Devil's Music. Enjoy!
Dakota (Tania Bolduc) and Jack (Joseph Wills) relax on the pier.
Franklin (Joshua Bond) is happy to be with the gang.
Jay (Moe Jeudy-Lamour) is about to show Jack he doesn't like him while Stacy (Florence Cloutier-Patte) tries to difuse the situation.
Spider (Nathaniel Villanueva) tidies up while the others go for a walk.
The gang is perplexed after a grisly discovery.
Lulu  (Lisandre Bujold) and Franklin (Joshua Bond) keep an ear out for scary noises outside.
Something that goes bump in the night.

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